
The summer solstice

Good evening,

Today is the summer solstice, the longest day and the shortest night of the year.

The summer solstice, one of the twenty-four solar terms, means “the height of the length of the day.” The sun reaches its highest point in the sky, resulting in the longest daylight hours in the Northern Hemisphere. Conversely, it marks the shortest daylight hours in the Southern Hemisphere.

In Sapporo, today’s sunrise was at 3:56 AM, in Tokyo at 4:26 AM, and in Okinawa at 5:38 AM. Sapporo will experience over 15 hours of daylight today. Compared to the shortest day of the year, the winter solstice, there’s a difference of nearly five hours in daylight length.

In Honshu, where the rainy season has begun, you might not get to see much of the sun. However, for those in areas where the sun is shining, please enjoy the long days and short nights of summer.

As we move forward, the summer heat will intensify. In Sapporo, there will be many summer events such as beer gardens and music festivals.

Wishing everyone a wonderful summer season.

Enjoy the beautiful summer days!

June’s Opening hour information

Good evening.

Goodbye, May.Good morning, June.

I am embarrassed to say that I feel like I am constantly saying these words, but it is already the sixth month since the year 2024 began.

‘Janay’s Law.’

It is said that the length of time you feel at a certain point in your life is proportional to the inverse of your age.If the age at 1 is 1, then at 2 it is “1/2”, at 5 it is “1/5”, at 10 it is “1/10”, and at 50 it is “1/50”.

Time is equal for everyone; a day is 24 hours long and a year is the same for all ages, 365 days a year.However, psychological time is completely different depending on age.

Psychological time lies in the “length of years subjectively remembered.

The younger the child, the more fresh everything is and the more new discoveries are made in a day.

This is because when they look back on the past, the more fresh experiences they have, such as “such-and-such happened” or “I learned such-and-such,” the longer they feel the same day to be.

As we grow up, we have fewer new experiences.This prevents us from feeling our daily growth as much as adults do,When we look back on the year, we will feel that it went by in a blink of an eye.

To combat this, it might be a good idea to try doing one thing different in June than you did the day before.

Here are our opening hours for the month of June.

Opening hour : 10:00 ~ 18:00

We will be closed on Tuesdays.

Please contact us for delivery other than the above hours.

We wish you a wonderful June.


English website page is open.

Thank you for coming Hanataku Web-site.

We are pleased to announce that  Hanataku ( Flower shop in Sapporo) now has an English website.

More pages will be available in English shortly.

Your continued support will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much.